Ontario Ice Fishing

Ontario Ice Fishing

Ontario has over 250,000 lakes and over 100,000 kilometres of rivers offering anglers the best fishing but the real fun begins when the lakes freeze over.

Ice fishing in Ontario is about as good as it gets and you can pretty well say bragging rights come with it. First, we have an abundance of lakes. Second, we have a variety of fish to target. Last but not least we have the operators who put it all together so you have the best time possible without safety being an issue. What more could you ask for?

Ice fishing has a long history but what is really all about?

Is it a race to stare down a dark, six inch hole with a line that freezes over every couple of minutes and you have to de-ice the eyes on your icefishing rod while waiting for that light tug on the end?

Or is it about disconnecting yourself from your reality or matrix you live in? Or Both? Or is it the camaraderie you have with your fishing buddy who understands it could take minutes to fill your fishing license or hours? This is part where talk is cheap and WHAM fish on!

Well, that brings back memories but the truth is today that has all changed with the advancement of the internet and satellites. Now, you sit in a heated hut, actually a ice bungalow with a satellite dish atop and watch your favourite hockey team while enjoying a beverage and mowing down on the last of the fillets coming out of the frying pan. That is unless the chef has just finished searing up the steaks and chicken wings on the BBQ.

Remember, if you are intending to do any fishing in Ontario you are required to carry a valid fishing license.

Please refer to the Fisheries Management Zone Map for rules and regulations for the species of fish you are targeting.

Fishing Management Zone Map

Notice: The businesses and outfitters that provide Ontario ice hut rentals shown on the site are neither supported or endorsed by Not Just Fishing. The information presented is for “entertainment” value only and their accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Not Just Fishing attempts to keep the information up to date as much as possible. Information and prices can change without notice and it is advised that you contact the business directly for pertinent information. Wishing you the best in your ice fishing adventure.

Ontario Ice Fishing
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