Nanmark’s Lighthouse Resort
Nanmark’s Lighthouse Resort established over 70 years ago, combines the casual fun of a family getaway with an excellent fishing resort.
Nanmark’s Lighthouse Resort
340 Lighthouse Road
Callander, Ontario P0H 1H0
Ice Fishing Rates
Nanmark’s Lighthouse Resort
* Executive Beach House
* Prices based on 4 people minimum – 6 people maximum
* Weekends (Friday 11:00 AM – Sunday 12:00 PM) ($) 275 / person + (HST)
* Midweek (Monday 11:00 AM – Thursday 1:00 PM) ($) 220 / person + (HST)
* Extra Night (If available) ($) 65 / person + HST
* Damage Deposit of ($) 400 is required before occupying the Beach House. It is refundable upon owner’s * discretion.
Nipissing Hideaway
* Prices based on 6 people minimum – 10 people maximum
* Weekends (Friday 11:00 AM – Sunday 12:00 PM) ($) 275 / person
* Midweek (Monday 11:00 AM – Thursday 1:00 PM) ($) 220 / person
* Extra night (If available) ($) 65 / person
* Damage Deposit of ($) 400 is required before occupying the Nipissing Hideaway. It is refundable upon
* owner’s discretion.
Notice: In making a reservation, you have read, understand and agree to terms and conditions of Nanmark’s Lighthouse Resort.
Check In Time | Check Out Time
Day Hut Rentals
* Day hut rentals run from 8 AM until sunset
* Rental includes transportation, heated hut, tip up lines , predrilled holes, lights and radio.
* ($) 75 / person + (HST) and bait
Bait sold on site.
* Please Follow the rules posted in the huts to ensure everyone gets the same clean and comfortable experience
Contact: Ryan & Katie Gallagher | Phone: 1 (877) 220-7358
Notice: Prices listed are only a guideline and may change without notice. Ice conditions are never considered “SAFE” and a signed liability and damage waiver may be requested. Remember, if you are intending to do any fishing you are required to carry a valid fishing license. Please refer to the FMZ Map for rules and regulations for the species of fish you are targeting.