Frenchie’s Fish Huts

Frenchie’s Fish Huts

Frenchie’s Fish Huts is a family oriented business looking to help you escape from reality.

Frenchie's Fish Huts

Frenchie’s Fish Huts
24 Harbour Park Crescent
Beaverton, Ontario L0K 1A0

Services & Rates:
* ($) 65.00 Fishing
* ($) 75.00 Fishing & Breakfast – Breakfast available from Barney’s Restaurant
* Breakfast includes Coffee & Tea
* Lunch Delivery available during Noon-Check
* Monday – Friday (All orders must be placed before 11:00 AM)
* Accept Cash transactions ONLY

Departure Times:
7:00 AM | 7:30 AM | 8:00 AM
Pick Up Times:
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM
Local Airbnb’s
Lagoon City Pier One Resort in Brechin

Owner | Phone: 1 ( 705) 879-2366

Notice: Prices listed are only a guideline and may change without notice. Ice conditions are never considered “SAFE” and a signed liability and damage waiver may be requested. Remember, if you are intending to do any fishing you are required to carry a valid fishing license. Please refer to the FMZ Map for rules and regulations for the species of fish you are targeting.

Ontario Ice Fishing
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